I have posted on Trudy’s successful pest patrol activities. But she has graduated now. She is a hunter. A hunter could be defined as killing game or other wild animals for food or sport and, perhaps you would rank a hunter who kills for food higher than one who kills for sport. If you follow this progression, then the higher the % of the prey consumed the higher should rank the status of the hunter. Trudy this week achieved the highest status.
She raided a rabbit’s nest and it was only by her (I thought” guilty” but may it was “proud” – a recurring problem when we project our emotions on others) behavior, that I figured something was amiss. And then I spotted two round pale colored tusk like objects emerging from her right jaw. She refused to release her capture and growled threateningly when I tried to prise it out. The usual ruse – give her a biscuit and she drops her mouth’s contents to eat the preferred delicacy, didn’t work. The conclusion was that her mouth’s contents ranked higher than the biscuit.

So I took a few ‘photos and stood by as she chewed on the baby rabbit and eventually with one big gulp down it went. And then, with barely a pause, she turned her attention to the two biscuits (when one didn’t work I had offered another type) and down they went too.
So true hunter status to Trudy!