It being Father’s Day I was permitted to prepare lunch for the two of us. A rare event – usually I gather the produce and wash the dishes. I kept it simple. I like onions and garlic and have a lot growing.

I also gathered large chard and collard leaves. I chopped the onions into 0.5″ segments including the green stems and also peeled and chopped the garlic. The mound went into a pan, with olive oil to gently saute.
The chard and collard I hand washed keeping a sharp lookout for green camouflaged caterpillars. Then into a pot with a lick of olive oil and some water and gentle heat with the lid retaining and accelerating the steaming. Turning occasionally and temperature low to avoid burning with a dash of vinegar and pepper to finish.
When the onions and garlic had softened, but not too much, I added 5 of our free range eggs, just whisked. Then keeping temperatures around medium I turned the scrambled eggs, onion and garlic combination with a spatula until it was done. But not too done.
To me it all tasted great. The onions, garlic and greens retained their crunchiness. And I even earned an “ok” which is high praise. I should have added turnip greens for extra flavoring and kale – next time. On the side were some fresh picked beans. The beans reminded me of recent press about “blue zones” and the prominent role beans play in longevity diets (WSJ 052215 “Want Great Longevity and Health? It Takes a Village”).

Not high cuisine but healthy enough and all from my place, chemicals free. Tonight we will eat out with one of our sons to celebrate Father’s Day.