Our rooster and 10 hens have access to 3 paddocks. 2 of the hens regularly fly over the 6′ fence to the greener grass on the other side. Recently I have allowed all of them to go wandering around the yard beyond the paddocks. And they love it. Initially they focused on the area below the deck where seed from the bird feeders had fallen and because it is surrounded by Rose of Sharon hibiscus which provides excellent cover. Then last week I shepherded the rooster and a hen to the compost heap and the fruit orchard. The vegetable growing area is entirely fenced in and not accessible to them. The rooster inspected the orchard and then headed back to the compost where he dug a shallow hole and spread out reaching with his beak to snack.

Now a few days later he and some of the hens are back at the heap.

And near the heap they dug a sand pit where they shower themselves with kicked up dust to deter mites.

And then a few more arrived.

Now they are truly free ranging. And I have noticed they eat less feed in the coop since, at the end of the day they have well feasted. Only negative is to watch where you walk but since I remove my outdoor shoes when entering the house this, for now, is not an issue.