Unlike July which was hot and dry, August has been tempered with rain showers and cloudy days. My property 50 miles north of Atlanta has received a lot of rain while Atlanta very little – could this be the heat island effect? The rain has filled out my muscadine, including the golden scuppernong, shown above and throughout the day they are visited by yellow jackets, wasps and hornets, and me in the earlier morning.
With the exception of the Parks Whopper, most of my tomatoes are done. The Whopper has been an exceptional producer – the first to produce large size tomatoes and the only one still producing, though taste not comparable with the heirlooms.

My colored sweet peppers and okra are flourishing. Now the cantaloupe and watermelon are ripening, and tasting good. Cucumbers and beans are winding down. After removing the tomato plants I have been seeding the tomato cages with peas – will see how this works out. And planting greens in the raised beds – turnips, mustard, kale and collard, and soon the radishes.
As mentioned in my previous post, lot of pears and muscadine grapes. Some apple varieties still to produce and jujube should be edible in a few weeks although we have begun snacking.

maglite led conversion
With the boxy yellow Eveready LED floating lantern available for <$5, it is difficult to rationalize holding onto the mag-lite flashlights. Except they are so well made and I really did not want to toss my large 4 D cell mag-lite. So I ordered the TerraLux LED conversion kit (140 lumens, $17.48) and it is easy enough to replace the bulb.

Battery life and brightness are greatly increased and I have a handy club, if needed.