I have storage capacity for about 6,000 gals of rainwater. Last November the drought was so bad I was transporting 35 gals of water from Atlanta to my farm each visit – see “making do” post dated Nov 15, 2016. Additional water storage was needed. I have a 2,500 gal tank and would like to have ordered another (cost $860 ) but was told shipping cost would be very high. It was recommended I order the 2,100 gal tank for $920 (yes the smaller one costs more) and the freight would be $220. So I placed the order before my Pacifica trip and yesterday it arrived. See pic above.
The tank is 90″ high and 87″ wide and weighs 290 lbs. Of course there was drama with its delivery. I stressed, when I placed the order that the one lane bridge off the highway when approaching from the east, could not take a big trailer. They said the driver would call well before he reached the house and I could then instruct him on which road to use. He called me after he had reached the one lane bridge, was exasperated, and had to back his humongous trailer all the way up the hill and then approach from the west. The tank was at the end of the trailer closest to the cab and we 2 battled to hoist the tank over some other orders, but we succeeded, slid it onto the road and he and I rolled it up the driveway to its overnight resting spot which you see in the pic above.
Prior to its delivery I had much deliberated where to place it and decided it should go on a ledge below higher ground. With my bobcat I had pulled out the small pine trees and removed the topsoil and then with shovel and pick I leveled the 8ft by 8ft staging area and dug a half circle drainage trench on the high side to prevent water eroding its base. I laid plastic sheeting on the staging area also to prevent water eroding its base and this morning my neighbor helped me roll and place the tank in position.

I stopped at Tractor Supply this morning to buy a 2″ valve which you can see at the bottom of the tank. The 1″ pipe at the top is moving water from my other tanks to this new storage area. It is expected to rain tomorrow and I want to relocate at least 1,500 gals today so my other tanks can accept the rain.

My neighbor who is a house builder has surplus lumber and metal roofing and I will contract with him to help me build a roof above this tank to which I will add a gutter and so capture any rainwater which lands on this area as well.
So I hope this all works out well and, from transporting 35 gals a day during the dry season I now hope to have an additional 2,100 gals of storage.