After several days in the 90’s this morning was overcast and I began working at 6.30am, so it was pleasant. With all the recent rains I have 8,000 gallons stored rainwater and can be liberal with its use.
As I stepped outside I heard loud buzzing. M. had lamented we had not trimmed the Rose of Sharon hibiscus, which overtowers our deck, and it would have fewer flowers this year. But not this morning – there were flowers enough and many pollinators.

The bumblebee and also the carpenter bee are so industrious and look so cuddly.

This year I have been lucky with pattypan squash. The vine borer which usually fells the plant before the first squash has emerged is absent, so far. Who should I thank – our multivoiced Georgia thrasher which I see so often among the plantings? So I have lots of squash and it tastes delicious when slow grilled, with a sprinkling of olive oil, until it is tender.

The nice thing about the squash and other large plants is they completely take over the bed and block weeds and retain soil moisture.

A natural solution for the hot summer months in the south. First you notice the yellow flowers and this morning they are filled with yellow jackets, bumble bees and honey bees.

And then, a few days later the white saucers appear and expand.

Often when vegetables get large they become vibrous but our experience is this squash, even large, retains its tenderness. So we allow them to grow a bit.

And now, at last, okra is stepping out and we shall grill today our first okra of the season.

We filled the basket with some corn (very sweet), white cucumbers and the ongoing supply of tomatoes.

And we selected apples from several different trees all with distinct different tastes to be sliced and added to our breakfast of old fashioned 100% whole raw oats, mixed with sunflower seed, brown flax seed, yogurt and sweetened with our honey.
Finally we lathered our 14 year old Trudy with medicated shampoo for her mild skin infection and walked in the woods and, as we approached the water hole which is fed by a natural intermittent spring ….

We noticed a turtle heading up from the pond

and then another more inquisitive turtle

And on our return we hosed Trudy thoroughly.